Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wait... I suppose I really am at school...

So on Monday I registered for my lectures and yesterday was able to register for almost all of my tutorials and fix the schedule that I fucked up on Monday. It's crazy... I signed up for 4 classes and got told that it would transfer to too many credits back at AU so I only have 3 classes and 2 of them only meet one day a week... even though it's 2 different times in one day. Oh well. But yeah... I only have class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so I have all of Thursday and Friday as well as the weekend to go traveling. My bank account is not going to like this adventure even a little bit but oh well. I really don't want to get a job but I might have to in order to avoid complete broke-ness. Either that or I'm going to have to work my ass off when I get back to the states in order to recuperate but honestly I'm here once, maybe twice if I can honeymoon in Fiji, so I might as well take advantage of it. This also means that I will be able to get most of my traveling done during the semester so at the end I have some time to fuck around and just do whatever w/ friends, maybe go home w/ some Aussies to see how the real people live as opposed to college students living in tiny little cubbies. I also got around to checking out the bookstore. I bought my books (thank goodness there were only 3 of them b/c textbook are approx 20% more expensive here than at the AU bookstore and I really don't have an opportunity to go shopping online so that's where that's at. I also got myself a new zippy. I think I am in love. It is soft and warm and dark blue so even I won't be able to destroy it so easily. It's slightly small in the hips but the bigger size wasn't really any better so yeah... it happens. I finally got the internet issue all settled finally and for real and so all email is going and coming from my home email address. It requires more quota but for the broadband in my room I have about 20 gig so I think I'll be fine. On that note, 'tis almost time to go eat. I'd like to add that here, dinner is from 5:30 to 6:30 so the other side of the world eats as early as we do at home - we can't be completely crazy.

Interesting Australia Fact: Supposedly Australians don't grind at clubs - although I definitely saw some Aussies grinding, but they were with Americans so that might explain it.

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